☀️Helius RPCs Overview

Solana's most loved RPC nodes.

What is the Solana RPC API?

To interact with blockchain data, you must use an RPC node. Here is a brief explainer on how RPCs on Solana work:

What makes Helius RPCs Different?

At Helius, we are Solana natives. We've been here since the beginning — and unlike other providers, we are exclusively on the Solana blockchain — focused on perfecting the Solana experience.

We pride ourselves in having the most well-rounded RPC offering in the entire ecosystem. Top 1% in performance, top 1% in pricing, and the most consistent uptime, no surprises. If you run into any issues, we provide best-in-class 24/7 support to help unblock you and keep you moving forward.

How to use Helius RPCs?

Simply generate an API key at dev.helius.xyz and your RPC URLs will be created for you. We provide controls to fine-tune your RPC access patterns (only allow requests from certain IPs or domains). You can configure these in our dev portal.

RPC Documentation, Testing, and Benchmarks

We've created an open-source tool for you to test, benchmark, and learn the Solana RPC methods in an interactive way, with code samples. Think Postman but for Solana RPCs — you can find it here:

RPC Node Locations

Helius provides services through a globally dispersed set of nodes, strategically positioned in key locations: New York, Ashburn, Chicago, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Singapore, Tokyo, Frankfurt, and the UK. Helius automatically directs user requests to the closest node, guaranteeing the quickest and most efficient routing.

Dedicated Nodes

We also provide dedicated and private RPC nodes at best-in-class rates for serious power users. These are necessary for the lowest possible latencies. Head to Helius' developer portal to set up your dedicated node automatically!

Last updated